Starting JPEG Convertor
To start JPEG Convertor, click Start, point to
Programs, point to JPEG Convertor Ver 1.0 and
then click JPEG Convertor Ver 1.0.
Main screen functions
When JPEG Convertor is started, the main screen shown in the illustration
below appears.
# Import Slide button
Imports presentation files
created using Microsoft
PowerPoint into JPEG
$ Import file button
Imports image files (JPEG, BMP
or TIFF format) created using
other applications into JPEG
% Thumbnail screen
Displays small previews of the
images which have been imported into JPEG Convertor. If you
right-click on any of the thumbnail images in this screen, the images
can be displayed in actual size, sorted or deleted.
This projector cannot be used to write data to SD memory cards.
& File menu
Commands such as Import Slide, Import file, Save to SD Memory Card,
Save to other folder and Close can be selected from this menu.
( Setting menu
Lets you select the various settings to be applied (such as DCF format
conversion, thumbnail creation and size conversion) when images are
) Version
Lets you check the software version information for JPEG Convertor.
* Slide size list box
Lets you select the image size for presentation files created using
Microsoft PowerPoint when they are imported into JPEG Convertor.