Home network "DLNA"
Music view
Thumbnail view
INFO Information panel (File name, Date, and Size etc.)
* Information differs depending on selected data.
Playback screen
INFO Display/hide Guide and Banner
Music Guide: Shows current Music status
(Artist name/Album name/Song name, Elapsed time)
Navigation Guide: Shows available functions.
Forward/Reverse: Five levels of speed 1 to 5 are available.
In DMR mode, Next skip/Prev. skip/User BGM settings are not
Thumbnail viewThumbnail viewThumbnail viewThumbnail view
INFO Information panel (File name, Date, and Size etc.)
* Information differs depending on selected data.
Playback screenPlayback screenPlayback screenPlayback screen
INFO Display/hide Guide and Banner
Music Guide: Shows current Music statusMusic Guide: Shows current Music status
(Artist name/Album name/Song name, Elapsed time)(Artist name/Album name/Song name, Elapsed time)
Navigation Guide: Shows available functions.Navigation Guide: Shows available functions.
Forward/Reverse: Five levels of speed 1 to 5 are available.Forward/Reverse: Five levels of speed 1 to 5 are available.
In DMR mode, Next skip/Prev. skip/User BGM settings are not
In DMR mode, Next skip/Prev. skip/User BGM settings are not
65 (0300602)