
Chapter 14 Automatic Transfer Controller
Control Registers
XIV - 5
14-2 Control Registers
14-2-1 Registers
Table 14-2-1 shows the registers used to control ATC1.
Table 14-2-1 ATC1 Control Registers
R/W : Readable / Writable
Register Address R/W Function Page
AT1CNT0 x'03FD0' R/W ATC1 control regis ter 0 XV - 6
AT1CNT1 x'03FD1' R/W ATC1 control regis ter 1 XV - 7
AT1TRC x'03FD2' R/W ATC1 transfer data counter XV - 7
AT1MAP0L x'03FD3' R/W ATC1 memory pointer 0 (lower 8 bits) XV - 8
AT1MAP0M x'03FD4' R/W ATC1 memory pointer 0 (middle 8 bits) XV - 8
AT1MAP0H x'03FD5' R/W ATC1 memory pointer 0 (upper 2 bits) XV - 8
AT1MAP1L x'03FD6' R/W ATC1 memory pointer 1 (lower 8 bits) XV - 8
AT1MAP1M x'03FD7' R/W ATC1 memory pointer 1 (middle 8 bits) XV - 8
AT1MAP1H x'03FD8' R/W ATC1 memory pointer 1 (upper 2 bits) XV - 8