Q&A file
A Q&A HTML file is included on the CD-ROM.
You will need Internet Explorer 4.0 or later or Netscape Navigator 4.0 or later to use these files.
You can view these files in the following way.
Viewing from the hard disk
1 Install the Q&A file to the hard disk.
(See pages 40 and 42 for installation instructions.)
From the start menu, Select [Programs] → [Panasonic DVD-RAM] →
[DVD-RAM QandA] → [QandA].
Support utilities
The following two utilities are included on the CD-ROM.
UDFTool – file system utility
Use this utility to turn the MS-DOS file name display on and off, and to change the mounting order of file
ODDiag – drive disc confirmation utility
Use this utility to check the DVD-RAM/R drive and discs, and to make copies of DVD-RAM discs.
These utilities have been provided for use when you need assistance. You should not have to use them
under normal circumstances.
These utilities are installed along with DVDForm and DVDRgn.
They are installed in the following locations (unless you have specified another location).
In Windows 98/Me: “ / Program Files / Panasonic DVD-RAM / Win 9x / DVD-RAM driver”
In Windows 2000: “ / Program Files / Panasonic DVD-RAM / Win 2k / DVD-RAM driver”