Receiving Documents__
Substitute Memory Reception
If the recording paper runs out or jams or if the toner runs out during reception, the machine automatically
starts receiving document into its image data memory. Stored documents are printed automatically after
replacing the recording paper or toner cartridge.
When the machine finishes the memory reception and _o RECO_DZNGPAPER i
there is no recording paper or toner, an Information Code ZNFO. CODE=010 A,,,11,
appears on the display. ._ - _' ;
iou oF
I INF0. CODE=041 ,,
Install recording paper (see page 18) or replace the toner
cartridge (see page 16).
The machine will automatically start printingthe document
stored in the memory.
t .cv,DDoc
If the memory overflows, the machine willstop receiving and release the communication fine.
The document(s) stored in the memory up to that moment willbe printed out.
When a power failure occurs,
The document information stored in memory wi/t be saved for up to 1 hour, when the battery is fully charged.
The document information stored in memory will be lost. A Power Failure Report will be printed
automatically after the power is restored.
The report will not be pnnted ff there were no documents in the memory. (see page 152)
tf you wish to turn off the substitute reception function, change the setting of Fax Parameter No. 22 to
"Invalid" (see page 36).
Print Collation Mode
The printing mechanism of the UF-550/770 is a Reverse Order Stacking construction. The UF-550/770 has
a Print Collation Mode that stacks received documents in the correct order. When the PrintCollation Mode
is enabled, all received documents are stored intomemory first, then printedout in Correct Order Stacking.
The requirements for the PrintCollation Mode to be active are; 1)Fax Parameter No. 65 PRINT COLLATION
set to "Valid", and 2) enough remaining memory.
The unit will print in Reverse Order Stacking (Non-Collation Mode) whenever one of the above requirements
is not met.
To use this function, we recommend installing an Optional Memory Card. See page 169 (Options and
SendingDocumentOrder StackingDocument Order...........
.................. CorrectOrderStac'l_ing..... ReverseOrderStacking
(CollationMode) (Non-CollationMode)
!:--'---- -- -
2 -
1 ----