To view/adjust streaming media settings:
z Main menu > Media > RealOne
1. [5] (Options)
2. [192] to scroll to Settings 7 [0]9[5] (Select)
3. [192] to scroll to Connection 7 [0]
4. [0] to select Proxy
5. [0] to switch Yes or No
If you select Yes, enter Proxy serv. address and Proxy port
6. [6] (Back)
7. [192] to scroll to Network 7 [0]
8. [192] to scroll to the desired settings 7 [0]
Default access point
Choose from list of access points. (See “Access
point settings” on page 46.)
Online time
Select Unlimited, or select User defined to
specify the amount of time before phone will
disconnect if there has been no activity.
Maximum bandwidth
Select a maximum bandwidth for streaming media
to use.
Connection time-out
Select a maximum time period to wait from
selecting a streaming link until it connects to the
server. Scroll left and right to move the slider and
change the time period.
Server time-out
Select a maximum time period to wait for the
media server to begin sending the streaming
media. Scroll left and right to move the slider and
change the time period.
Lowest UDP port Enter a User Datagram Protocol port number.
Highest UDP port Enter a User Datagram Protocol port number.