This projector provides security functions such as "Key lock", "PIN code lock" and "Logo PIN code lock". When the
projector has set these security function on, you are required to enter correct PIN code to use the projector. If you
do not know the correct PIN code to the projector, the projector can no longer be operated or started. In this case,
you must reset those function first according to the resetting procedure described below and then check up on the
Security Function Notice
1 Disconnect the AC power cord from the AC outlet.
2. As pressing the ENTER button, connect the AC power cord into an AC outlet again.
3. Keep pressing the ENTER button and then press the button.
4. Release the button first and then release the ENTER button.
- The PIN code lock and Logo PIN code lock will be reset as the initial PIN code at the factory and
the key lock function is disabled.
Please refer to the owner's manual for further information of the security functions.
Function Description
Key lock
Locks operation of the top control or the remote con-
If the Key lock is enabled with top control lock, the pro-
jector can no longer be started.
Initial setting: Key lock function is disabled
PIN code lock
Prevents the projector from being operated by an un-
authorized person.
Initial code: “1234”
Logo PIN code lock
Prevents an unauthorized person for changing the
start-up logo on the screen.
Initial code: “4321”
Resetting procedure