Language code list
Troubleshooting guide (continued)
7 Television displays Page
• The operation is prohibited by the unit or disc. —
“Cannot play group xx, content xx”
“Cannot display group xx, content
• You are trying to display an incompatible group or content. —
“Group xx, content xx is
• You are trying to play a protected group or content. You cannot play it. —
“Check the disc”
• This disc may be dirty. —
“This disc may not be played in
your region”
• Only DVD-Video discs that include or have the same region number as the one on
the rear panel of this unit can be played.
No on-screen display.
• Select “On” in “On-Screen Messages” in the “Display” tab. 29
“Authorization Error”
• You are trying to play the DivX VOD content that was purchased with a different
registration code. You cannot play the content on this unit.
“Rental Expired”
“Rented Movie Expired”
• The DivX VOD content has zero remaining plays. You cannot play it. 31
“Due to copyright protection,
audio cannot be output from
• If you connect to equipment that does not support CPPM (\ page 45, Glossary),
audio from a CPPM copy-protected DVD-Audio disc cannot be output from the
HDMI AV OUT terminal.
Main unit’s screen saver remains.
• When using the HDMI connection, audio/video information is continually
transferred between the main unit and the television regardless of which source
has been selected on the main unit. This is normal.
7 Listening to the radio
Distorted sound or noise is heard.
“ST” fl ickers or does not light.
• Adjust the position of the FM antenna.
• Use an outdoor antenna.
A beat sound is heard.
• Turn the television off or move it away from the unit. —
For Southeast Asia and Thailand
For Continental Europe, the Middle East, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Australia and N.Z.
Abkhazian: 6566 Danish: 6865 Italian: 7384 Norwegian: 7879 Swedish: 8386
Afar: 6565 Dutch: 7876 Japanese: 7465 Oriya: 7982 Tagalog: 8476
Afrikaans: 6570 English: 6978 Javanese: 7487 Pashto, Pushto: 8083 Tajik: 8471
Albanian: 8381 Esperanto: 6979 Kannada: 7578 Persian: 7065 Tamil: 8465
Ameharic: 6577 Estonian: 6984 Kashmiri: 7583 Polish: 8076 Tatar: 8484
Arabic: 6582 Faroese: 7079 Kazakh: 7575 Portuguese: 8084 Telugu: 8469
Armenian: 7289 Fiji: 7074 Kirghiz: 7589 Punjabi: 8065 Thai: 8472
Assamese: 6583 Finnish: 7073 Korean: 7579 Quechua: 8185 Tibetan: 6679
Aymara: 6589 French: 7082 Kurdish: 7585 Rhaeto-Romance: 8277 Tigrinya: 8473
Azerbaijani: 6590 Frisian: 7089 Laotian: 7679 Romanian: 8279 Tonga: 8479
Bashkir: 6665 Galician: 7176 Latin: 7665 Russian: 8285 Turkish: 8482
Basque: 6985 Georgian: 7565 Latvian, Lettish: 7686 Samoan: 8377 Turkmen: 8475
Bengali; Bangla: 6678 German: 6869 Lingala: 7678 Sanskrit: 8365 Twi: 8487
Bhutani: 6890 Greek: 6976 Lithuanian: 7684 Scots Gaelic: 7168 Ukrainian: 8575
Bihari: 6672 Greenlandic: 7576 Macedonian: 7775 Serbian: 8382 Urdu: 8582
Breton: 6682 Guarani: 7178 Malagasy: 7771 Serbo-Croatian: 8372 Uzbek: 8590
Bulgarian: 6671 Gujarati: 7185 Malay: 7783 Shona: 8378 Vietnamese: 8673
Burmese: 7789 Hausa: 7265 Malayalam: 7776 Sindhi: 8368 Volapük: 8679
Byelorussian: 6669 Hebrew: 7387 Maltese: 7784 Singhalese: 8373 Welsh: 6789
Cambodian: 7577 Hindi: 7273 Maori: 7773 Slovak: 8375 Wolof: 8779
Catalan: 6765 Hungarian: 7285 Marathi: 7782 Slovenian: 8376 Xhosa: 8872
Chinese: 9072 Icelandic: 7383 Moldavian: 7779 Somali: 8379 Yiddish: 7473
Corsican: 6779 Indonesian: 7378 Mongolian: 7778 Spanish: 6983 Yoruba: 8979
Croatian: 7282 Interlingua: 7365 Nauru: 7865 Sundanese: 8385 Zulu: 9085
Czech: 6783 Irish: 7165 Nepali: 7869 Swahili: 8387
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