5. Perform the read power adjustment. Set the light power at 600 W
±10% by using VOL+, VOL- , EQ and PLAY MODE keys of the
remote controller. In the laser power adjustment, EQ and PLAY
MODE keys change every8 steps for VOL+ and VOL- keys change
1 step.
Proceeding on to the subsequent adjustment procedure with the
read power exceeding 600 W±10% will result in damage to the
optical pickup.
6. Press the key of the remote controller (“LP ” changes to
“RLDA ” in the LCD).
Specified range (read power): 600 W±10% or lower
7. Perfome the light power adjustment. Set the light power at 5.7mW
by using VOL+, VOL-, EQ and PLAY MODE keys of the remote
controller. If at this time the voltage between TP406 and TP407 is
85mA or higher, it is conceivable that theoptical pickup is
Specified range (light power): 5.7mW
Do not allow the write power to even momentarily reach or exceed
6 mW. Doing so will result in damage to the optical pickup.
8. Press the key of the remote controller (“RLDA ” changes to
“LP ” on the LDC. At this time, the data is written to EEPROM.).
9. Press the PLAY key on the remote controller (“LP ” changes to
“T0E** ” on the LCD.).
10. Remove the laser power meter. Laser power adjustment is
6.2.3. Off-set automatic adjustment
1. After laser power adjustment performed, press the key of the
remote controller and make “T1E** ” display on the LCD .
2. Make the optical pickup move to center.
3. Press the PLAY key of remote controller without insert disc
(change the display of the LCD to “0FADJ ” , adjustment will be