TC-14A12P / TC-20B12
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IC601 - Pins and Functions
P1.3/T1 1 port 1.3 or Counter/Timer 1 input
P1.6/SCL 2 port 1.6 or I 2 C-bus clock line
P1.7/SDA 3 port 1.7 or I 2 C-bus data line
P2.0/TPWM 4 port 2.0 or Tuning PWM output
P3.0/ADC0/PWM0 5 port 3.0 or ADC0 input or PWM0 output
P3.1/ADC1/PWM1 6 port 3.1 or ADC1 input or PWM1 output
P3.2/ADC2/PWM2 7 port 3.2 or ADC2 input or PWM2 output
P3.3/ADC3/PWM3 8 port 3.3 or ADC3 input or PWM3 output
VSSC/P 9 digital ground for m-Controller core and periphery
P0.5 10 port 0.5 (8 mA current sinking capability for direct drive of LEDs)
P0.6 11 port 0.6 (8 mA current sinking capability for direct drive of LEDs)
VSSA 12 analog ground of Teletext decoder and digital ground of TV-processor
SECPLL 13 SECAM PLL decoupling
VP2 14 2 nd supply voltage TV-processor (+8V)
DECDIG 15 decoupling digital supply of TV-processor
PH2LF 16 phase-2 filter
PH1LF 17 phase-1 filter
GND3 18 ground 3 for TV-processor
DECBG 19 bandgap decoupling
AVL/EWD (1) 20 Automatic Volume Levelling /East-West drive output
VDRB 21 vertical drive B output
VDRA 22 vertical drive A output
IFIN1 23 IF input 1
IFIN2 24 IF input 2
IREF 25 reference current input
VSC 26 vertical sawtooth capacitor
TUNERAGC 27 tuner AGC output
AUDEEM/SIFIN1 (1) 28 audio deemphasis or SIF input 1
DECSDEM/SIFIN2 (1) 29 decoupling sound demodulator or SIF input 2
GND2 30 ground 2 for TV processor
SNDPLL/SIFAGC (1) 31 narrow band PLL filter /AGC sound IF
AVL/SNDIF/REF0/ 32 Automatic Volume Levelling / sound IF input / subcarrier reference output /AM output
AMOUT (1) (non controlled)
HOUT 33 horizontal output
FBISO 34 flyback input/sandcastle output
AUDEXT/ 35 external audio input /QSS intercarrier out /AM audio output (non controlled)
EHTO 36 EHT/overvoltage protection input
PLLIF 37 IF-PLL loop filter
IFVO/SVO 38 IF video output / selected CVBS output
VP1 39 main supply voltage TV-processor (+8 V)
CVBSINT 40 internal CVBS input
GND1 41 ground 1 for TV-processor
CVBS/Y 42 external CVBS/Y input
CHROMA 43 chrominance input (SVHS)
AUDOUT /AMOUT (1) 44 audio output /AM audio output (volume controlled)
INSSW2 45 2 nd RGB / YUV insertion input
R2/VIN 46 2 nd R input / V (R-Y) input
G2/YIN 47 2 nd G input / Y input
B2/UIN 48 2 nd B input / U (B-Y) input
BCLIN 49 beam current limiter input / (V-guard input, note 2)
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