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Lock Settings
Locks the settings of Professional1 / 2 for each input.
1. Display the menu with MENU.
2. Select Picture > Lock Settings with
/ and press OK to access.
3. Enter the PIN number (4 digits) with Numeric buttons.
Enter the PIN number twice at first setting.
Make a note of the PIN number in case you forget it.
4. Select Adjustment Lock with
/ and press OK to access.
5. Select On with
/ and press OK to set.
Backlight, Contrast, Brightness, Colour, Tint, Sharpness, Colour
Temperature, Vivid Colour, Adaptive Backlight Control, Resolution
Remaster, Caption Smoother, Brilliance Enhancer, Advanced Settings and
Reset to Defaults in the Picture Menu can be locked.
■ To change the PIN number
1. Select Change PIN with / and press OK to access.
2. Enter a new PIN number twice with Numeric buttons.
Copy Adjustment
Copies the picture settings of True Cinema, Monitor, Custom, Professional1
or Professional2 to those of another input or another Viewing Mode.
1. Display the menu with MENU.
2. Select Picture > Copy Adjustment > Destination Viewing Mode /
Destination Input with
/ and press OK to access.
3. Select the destination to copy to with
/ and press OK to set.
4. Select Copy Start with
/ and press OK to copy.
5. When the confirmation screen is displayed, select Yes with
/ and
press OK to set.
= Note =
Option Settings, Screen Settings and 3D Settings will not be copied.
You cannot copy to the locked mode.