Panasonic (U.K.) Ltd
Willoughby Road, Bracknell,
Berks RG12 8FP
S Order accessory and consumable items for your
product w ith ease and confidence by phoning
9:00am---5:30pm (Excluding public holidays).
S Or go on line through our Internet Accessory
ordering application at www.panasonic.co.uk.
S Most major credit and debit cards accepted.
S All enquiries, transactions and distribution facilities
are provided directly by Panasonic UK Ltd.
S It couldn’t be simpler!
S Also available through our Internet is direct
shopping for a wide range of finished products,
take a browse on our website for further details.
S For UK customers: 08705 357357.
S For Republic of Ireland customers: 01 289 8333.
S Visit our website for product information
S E --- ma il: customer.care@panasonic.co.uk.
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