
Your Machine
1. The setting number marked with an asterisk (*) indicates the factory standard setting.
2. This parameter supports an optional telephone service "Distinctive Ring Service" provided by
your local telephone company. It allows up to 4 different telephone numbers to be assigned on a
single telephone line with a distinctive ring for each telephone number. By selecting the
appropriate ring pattern associated with the telephone number assigned for your fax machine. It
can differentiate and answer the incoming call on the fax number. All other calls on the other
telephone numbers will not be answered. This optional service from your local phone company
is also called Custom Ringing, Distinctive Ringing, Ident-a-call, Ident-a-ring, Personalized
Ringing, RingMaster, RingMate, Selective Ringing, Smart Ring or something similar. Check with
your local telephone company on the availability of this service in your area.
3. "Valid" can be selected when the SMTP Server or the POP Server support these capabilities.
182 SEND COMM. JOURNAL *1 Print Selecting whether the Communication Journal is
printed, emailed or both.
Print : Prints
Email : Emails to the address selected in the Sender
Selection (see page 54).
Both : Prints and Emails.
No. Parameter Setting
Setting Comments