Watching TV
For best picture
Picture mode
Change picture mode to suite your settings and taste
1. Select Picture mode
MENU Menu > Picture > Picture mode
Select desired menu using
/ from menu bar and press
2. Adjust using /
Tip: HDMI will provide the best HD picture
2. Picture mode type
Vivid: Provides enhanced picture contrast and sharpness for viewing
in a well-lit room.
Standard: Recommended for normal viewing conditions with subdued
room lighting.
Cinema: For watching movies in a darkened room. It provides a soft,
film-like picture.
THX*: Precisely reproduces the original quality of the image without
any revision.
Recommended for playback of THX disc (disc with "THX"
logo). THX mode is used to mirror the picture settings used by
professional filmmakers, faithfully reproducing the image
quality of THX Certified movies. (THX Certified movies have
the "THX" logo on a disc.)
* 2D: THX Cinema/THX Bright Room, 3D: THX 3D Cinema
Game: For playing video games.
Custom: Customizes each item according to your taste.
Photo is displayed in JPEG menu.