Step 1
Move the cursor to "BW MODE" and select the black-and-white control from the following:
AUTO1 (default): Automatically toggles between color and black-and-white images in accordance with the screen brightness
(illuminance). The black-and-white mode is selected for dark images, and the color mode is selected for bright images.
AUTO2: Uses a near-infrared light source at nighttime.
ON: Displays black-and-white images.
OFF: Displays color images.
• Theautobackfocusfunctionalsoallowsuserstocorrectoutoffocuswhenchangingbetweencolorandblack-and-white
images. (+ Page 27)
• Ifasubjectisalwaysmovingorthescreenisoccupiedwithauniformcolor,brightnessdeterminationmaybenotperformed
successfully because the brightness is merely determined by information from the CCD image sensor. When "AUTO2" is
selected, the wave length of the light source shall be 800 nm or longer.
Step 2
Press the setting button.
→ The "BW MODE" screen appears.
Step 3
Move the cursor to "LEVEL" and select a brightness level at which switching between color and black-and-white images is per-
formed from the following:
LOW: Switches from color to black-and-white images when the ambient brightness (illuminance) of the camera is approx. 0.1 lx
or less.
HIGH (default): Switches from color to black-and-white images when the ambient brightness (illuminance) of the camera is
approx. 0.2 lx or less.
• Toobtaincolorimages,asufficientlevelofilluminance(approx.30lxormore)isrequired.
• Theswitchingilluminancelevelvarieswithsubjects,lightsources,andlenses.
• TheswitchingilluminancelevelvariesinaccordancewithAGCsetting.(+ Page 12)
• Theswitchingilluminancesdescribedabovearereferencevalues.Theswitchingilluminanceshallbedecidedbasedonthe
actual installation environment.
Step 4
Move the cursor to "DURATION TIME" and select a time for switching between color and black-and-white images from the fol-
lowing: (default: 10 seconds)
2 sec. - 10 sec. - 30 sec. - 60 sec.
(S) (L)
Step 5
Move the cursor to "BURST (BW)", and decide whether or not to provide a burst signal output in the black-and-white mode.
ON (default): Provides a burst signal output.
OFF: Does not provide any burst signal output.
• Imagesmaynotbedisplayedappropriatelywithoutburstsignalswhencameraimagesaredisplayedintheblack-and-white
mode depending on a monitor or VCR model to be used. In such a case, set the burst signal output to "ON".