[Back light compensation (BLC)]
Select “On” or “Off” to determine whether or not to activate the back light compensation (BLC) function.
The back light compensation function can compensate back light by setting mask areas on brighter parts of
• On: Mask areas will be set automatically.
• Off: Mask areas will not be set automatically. It is necessary to set them manually.
• Default: Off
[Mask area]
When “Off” is selected for “Back light compensation (BLC)”, it is possible to compensate for backlight by
masking brighter areas.
Refer to page 117 for information on how to set the mask area.
[Light control mode]
Select the light control mode from the following.
• Indoor scene (50 Hz) / Indoor scene (60 Hz): The shutter speed will automatically be adjusted to prevent
flicker caused by fluorescent lighting. Select 50 Hz or 60 Hz corresponding to the location where the camera
is in use.
• ELC(Maximum exposure time): The lighting control will be automatically performed by adjusting shutter
speed in the range of ELC.
• Default: ELC(1/30s)
• The shorter the maximum exposure time is (up to ELC(1/8000s) or ELC(1/10000s)), the more
accurately it is possible to capture a fast moving object with less blur.
• When a faster shutter speed is selected, the sensitivity will become lower. When a faster shutter speed
is selected, flickering may happen.
• In case flickering happens, it may be improved by configuring the following settings.
– In the area of 50 Hz power supply frequency: ELC(3/100s), ELC(2/100 s), ELC(1/100s)
– In the area of 60 Hz power supply frequency: ELC(3/120s), ELC(2/120s), ELC(1/120s)
When flickering still remains, set flicker-less mode.
• Under extremely strong lighting, flickering may happen even when “Indoor scene (50 Hz)” or “Indoor
scene (60 Hz)” is selected for “Light control mode”. When the brightness (illuminance) level on the
screen is set to a relatively low level with the [Brightness] buttons, flickering may frequently happen.
• When the setting for “Light control mode” is “Indoor scene (50 Hz)”, “Indoor scene (60 Hz)” or “ELC”
whose maximum exposure time is “ELC(1/2000s)” or a lower value, brightness may not be remarkably
changed even when [Brightness] buttons are clicked.
• In such cases, either of the following can reduce flickering.
– Moderate the illumination intensities of objects by changing the camera direction.
– Set the brightness (illuminance) level on the screen to a brighter level with the [Brightness] buttons.
Select a method of gain adjustment from the following.
• On(High)/ On(Mid)/ On(Low): When the luminance of the subject becomes darker, gain will be
automatically increased and screen will become brighter. “High”, “Mid” and “Low” are indications of gain
• Off: Images will be captured with the fixed gain level.
• Default: On(High)
108 Operating Instructions
11 Configure the settings relating to images and audio [Image/Audio]