• For further information about PC system requirements and precautions for when using
Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows Vista, or Windows Internet Explorer, click “Manual” -
“Open” from the supplied CD-ROM and refer to “Notes on Windows
/ Internet Explorer
• IfusingMicrosoftWindowsX P,screentearing*mayoccurwhentheshootingscenedrastically
changes (for example, while shooting fast-moving subjects) due to the GDI restrictions of the
* A phenomenon in which portions of the screen are displayed out of alignment
• Forinformation on the operation verification of the supported operating systems and web
browsers, refer to our website at http://panasonic.net/pss/security/support/index.html.
Trademarks and registered trademarks
• Adobe,AcrobatReader,andReaderareeitherregisteredtrademarksortrademarksofAdobe
Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
• Microsoft,Windows,WindowsVista,InternetExplorer,ActiveX,andDirectXareeither regis-
tered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other
• Microsoftproductscreenshot(s)reprintedwithpermissionfromMicrosoftCorporation.
• IntelandIntelCorearetrademarksofIntelCorporationintheU.S.andothercountries.
• SDXCLogoisatrademarkofSD-3C,LLC.
• iPad,iPhone,andiPodtoucharetrademarksofAppleInc.,registeredintheU.S.andother
• AndroidisatrademarkofGoogleInc.
• Allothertrademarksidentifiedhereinarethepropertyoftheirrespectiveowners.
Distributing, copying, disassembling, reverse compiling and reverse engineering of the software
provided with this product are all expressly prohibited. In addition, exporting any software provided
with this product violating export laws is prohibited.