Bands Supported .............................GSM900 Class 4
GSM1800 Class 1
Talk Time .........................................1.5 hrs. - 4.5 hrs.
(90 min. - 270 min.)
Standby Time...................................70 hrs. - 210 hrs.
Temperature Range
Charging ......................................+5 ºC – +35 ºC
Storage ........................................-20 ºC – +60 ºC
Volume.............................................Approx. 64 cc
Weight..............................................Approx. 84 g
Height...........................................84 mm
Width............................................47 mm
Depth ...........................................17.5 mm
Supply Voltage.................................3.7 V (600 mAh Li-ion)
Charge Time ....................................Up to 120 min.
SIM Type..........................................3 V only
Contacts Size...................................300 entries + SIM
Sound Recorder...............................Each max. record size
15 seconds (Varies depending on My Media)
Games (Pre-Installed Games)..........1
Ring Tones.......................................Preset: 10 (Varies depending on My Media)
Graphics Formats Supported...........GIF87a, GIF89a, JPEG, WBMP, PNG
Memory Storage
My Media .....................................1 MB
MMS.............................................700 KB
Games.........................................500 KB
Camera Range.................................35 cm -
NOTE Talk and Standby times depend on network conditions, SIM usage and battery condition.
NOTE Charging time depends on usage and battery condition.
When switching the phone off, use only D to avoid damaging the phone.