Selecting Games
Five games are pre-installed: truck, SQUARE, SLOTZ, NINJA ACTION and MobileGolf.
From Games menu
4 required game you wish to play < / A
truck ................................................................................................................................
This game is an action puzzle game. The purpose of this game is to guide the truck from the starting
point to the goal within a specified time limit. The player moves the tiles on the screen to connect the
rails to complete a track.
Key Operation
0 to move the tile to the open space in each direction.
When you collect an item (spring or stopwatch) on a tile, the item becomes available and can be used
by the
$and &. (The spring enables you to jump skipping one tile. The stopwatch enables
you to temporarily stop the truck for a limited time.)
This game is an action puzzle game. The purpose of this game is to clear blocks to score points. A
group of outlined blocks fall from above. Build up the blocks to form a line. When a line is completed,
the blocks forming the line are cleared.
Key Operation
0 or %, ', ) and + to move the blocks.
< or ( to rotate the blocks.