
Getting started
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To move a file to the memory
1. Select a file > Options > Move
to External Memory.
2. To move the file back to the
phone, select Options > Move
to Phone.
To delete a file from the
memory card
1. Select a file from the card >
Options > Delete.
In Advanced Mode, you have
access to all of the features of
P2030 including the features
provided by Breeze Mode.
To move the file from the
card to the computer
1. Connect the data cable with
mobile and the computer.
2. Select Menu > Settings >
3. Select Select USB Mode.
4. Select Music Player,
Mass Storage or Ask on
5. Follow the instructions on your
computer screen.
note: Select Music Player when you
want to add music to the playlist in
your device. When you select Ask on
Connection, it will ask you to select
either the Music Player or Mass Storage
every time you connect your device with
your computer.
Resetting a memory card
1. Select Menu > Settings >
2. Enter the password > select
External Memory Reset.
note: The default password is ‘1234’.