To Connect the SDCP to a DSU
For the carrier-mounted Model 3551 DSU, the SDCP must first be reconnected to the
DSU. Once connected, the SDCP operates like a DCP.
" Procedure
1. Press the Select key.
A screen similar to the following appears.
F1 F2
Carr:Slot: 1:01 A
1:02 A
The cursor is usually positioned under the second position of the slot number
In this example, the first line shows:
1 indicates Carrier 1 (Carr)
01 indicates the DSU in Slot 1
A is reserved for future use
On the second line:
Press the F1 key (↑) to increment the number that the cursor is on.
Press the F2 key (↓) to decrement the number.
Press the
and keys to move the cursor one position to the left or right,
to change either the carrier or slot number.
Press the F3 key to toggle between DSUs.
2. Press the Select key on the SDCP again.
The SDCP accesses the DSU in Carrier 1, Slot 1. The top-level menu (your starting
point) of the carrier-mounted DSU is displayed.
1:01A DSU 9.6 C
Local Remot
From the
first line
of this example, you can see that this is a carrier-mounted DSU
(1:01A instead of Port1) that is located in Carrier 1, Slot 1, is operating as a DSU
(i.e., not as a DBM), at 9.6 kbps, and is configured as a control (C).
From the second line you can see that there are no NMS messages (no
branch over the F3 key) waiting to be read and cleared.
Also note that the SDCP indicator on the selected DSU’s front panel is lit.