Customer-Supplied Equipment for Models 3810 or 3820
The following customer-supplied equipment is required to complete a data
communications system using either the Model 3810 or Model 3820 modem:
H A DTE with an available EIA-232-D serial port.
H A standard EIA-232-D male-to-female cable with a male DB-25-S connector at one
end to attach to the modem.
H One of the following modular dial or leased network interfaces:
— RJ11C for dial permissive applications
— An 8-position to 6-position crossover cable for JM8 leased-line applications
Model 3810 or 3820 Telephone Connection
Use the following procedures to connect the modem to a telephone:
1. Insert the 6-position, 4-conductor modular plug into the jack labeled
2. Insert the other end of the modular cord into the telephone.
Dial Network Management System Connection
For Model 3810 and 3820 modems, use the following procedures to connect the
modem to the network management system interface:
1. Insert the subminiature 4-conductor modular plug of the 3600 Hubbing Device into
the jack labeled NMS.
2. Connect the 3600 Hubbing Device to the network management system.
Refer to the
3600 Hubbing Device, Feature Number 3600-F3-300, Installation
(3610-A2-GZ45) for more information. Installation for the Model 3810 and
3820 modems is the same as for the 3610 DSU.
AC Power Transformer Connection
Use the following procedures to connect the modem to an ac power outlet:
1. Make sure the modem’s power switch is in the Off position.
2. Insert the power transformer’s 5-pin DIN male connector into the modem’s rear
panel ac power receptacle.
3. Insert the power transformer into a grounded ac power outlet.