2Modem/DSU Commands
2-1816800-A2-GB31-20 January 1997
Store Call Detail Data (Required field)
Specify whether or not call detail information should be stored.
Valid entries are yes (default) or no. If no is selected, the following message is displayed:
Entering no entry in the Store call detail data field causes the 6800 NMS to stop
gathering call details.
A pop-up menu is available listing valid selections.
Call Statistics Available From (Display field)
Displays the earliest date for which summary information is stored.
Call Detail Available From (Display field)
Displays the earliest date for which call detail information is stored.
Number of local 3800 Series modems (Display field)
Displays the number of local 3800 Series modems for which call statistics are being
retrieved and stored.
Manage Call Statistics Results Form
The results form displays a text message indicating whether or not call statistics parameters have
been updated.