Complete This means the firing completed as programmed.
Delay DELA is a timer that starts the kiln later. Delay time appears in hours and
Temperature This prompt which appears in Ramp-Hold programming, is asking for
a target temperature. The number is to remind you which segment will use this target temperature.
Electronics The Sentry circuit board is rated for operation at temperatures up to
158˚F/70˚C. When the circuit gets hotter, the Sentry shuts off. The ELEC option tells you how hot the
circuit board is.
Electronics Too Hot The Sentry circuit board is too hot, so the kiln was shut off.
Failed The thermocouple failed. This can be due to a broken thermocouple, loose
thermocouple connection on the back of the Sentry, disconnected thermocouple wire, or a defective
Failed to Heat The kiln cannot heat as fast as you programmed or is not heating at
Firing Too Long The temperature rise is less that 27ْF/15ْC per hour and the firing
time is four hours longer than the current segment was programmed.
Full Speed The rate, or temperature change per hour, is maximum.
Temperature Hold When this message appears during Ramp-Hold
programming, it is asking you if you want to hold, or maintain, the target temperature of that segment.
If so, enter the length of hold time in hours and minutes (i.e. 1 hour 20 minutes = 01.20). The number
after Hd is the segment number. Each segment in a Ramp-Hold firing is numbered starting with 1.
Temperature Hold When this message appears during programming, it is asking
if you want to hold, or maintain, the target temperature. If so, enter the length of hold time in hours
and minutes (i.e. 1 hour 20 minutes = 01.20). When HOLd appears in the program review, it is
showing how much hold time has been entered.
High Temperature Deviation The temperature is above the temperature deviation
setting in the TEDE option.
Computer ID The ID option is for connection the Sentry to a personal computer.
Ready to Begin The Sentry must display the idle message before you can begin firing
or programming.
Program Lock With this option activated, a stored program cannot be altered or
removed from memory.
Low Temperature Deviation This message appears when the kiln is below the
temperature deviation setting in the TEDE option.
˚F 1
Hd 1