Power Failure The power failed. When power came back on, the temperature was
below 212°F/100°C. Press [Abort}, then [Enter} to clear the display and return to “IdLE”.
Power Failure The power failed near the end of a firing.
Power Failure There was a power failure during firing. The kiln continued firing after
power came back on.
Diagnostic Test Failure
Rate RA 1, RA 2, RA 3, etc., appears in Ramp-Hold programming, Program
Review, and Present Status. When RA 1, 2, 3, etc. appear during programming, the controller is
asking you for firing rate for each segment. Rate means how fast the firing progresses in degrees of
temperature per hour. Every segment must have a firing rate. The number after RA is the segment
number. Each segment in a Ramp-Hold firing is numbered starting with 1. Program Review shows
firing rate after RA 1, 2, 3, etc. In Present Status, RA 1, 2, 3, etc. means the segment that the firing is
in at that moment.
Reset The RST option erases thermocouple offsets, selects °F operation, erases
stored programs in Ramp-Hold, and selects Type-S thermocouple. Note that if you use Reset, and
your kiln is equipped with a Type K thermocouple, you must use the TC option to select Type K.
(Reset selects Type S as a safety precaution. If you had a Type S thermocouple and Reset selected
Type K, your kiln would overfire. On the other hand, if you have a Type K thermocouple, Type S
selected would underfire your kiln. The Type K thermocouple is standard on most kilns.)
Safety This is the maximum temperature the Sentry is programmed for your kiln. It
can be altered only at the factory.
Skip Segment If you press the Skip Segment key during a firing, SKIP will appear. If
you press the key again, the firing will skip to the next segment.
Software Version This option gives the version of software loaded into your
Firing Started. This appears when firing begins. Do not be concerned if it takes a
moment for the relays to turn on. The Sentry is processing data.
Thermocouple Type Choose between Types K, S or R thermocouple. It is
important to select the correct type or the controller will not read temperature accurately.
Thermocouple Offset Calibrate the controller’s temperature. This compensates for
temperature drift, or aging, of a thermocouple.
Thermocouple Thermocouple missing or wire disconnected.
Temperature Deviation The Sentry includes error messages to warn you that
the kiln is not maintaining the programmed temperature. The sensitivity of the error messages is
based on a temperature entered in the TEDE option.
User Program In Ramp-Hold programming, the USER prompt is asking you where
you want to place the program in memory. The Sentry has four spaces in memory: 1, 2, 3, 4. Keep a
record, on paper, of the programs in memory.
PF 2
PF 3
RA 1