ACR-MOTIONMAX Installation Guide
Down load Program0 again and test.
Step 7. Tune Axis Gains
Keys: Load Encoder Parameters in the AcroView watch window [Actual Position]
Do a Series of moves to a safe Distance and back to Zero observing the Encoder Feed back while Setting
the Gains to it finishes at +/- 1 Encoder Pulse from it Trajectory Target.
Set PGain in the AcroView Gains Parameters
PGAIN AXIS0 0.002441 (Default Value)
Set all other Gain Parameters to 0 for the axis under test.
Slowly increase PGAIN till Axis oscillates then back down till Oscillation stops and go a little extra.
Move the Axis 5 inches … Example: X/10
Observe the Actual Encoder Position it should be Short at this point.
Next Increase IGAIN to by factors of .1 and index in the Axis to X10 and then back to X0.
The Actual Position should start to get closer to the Target in the upper Top Left Readout Target.
Next Increase ILIMIT to by factors of .1 and index in the Axis to X10 and then back to X0.
The Actual Position should start to get to +/-1 Counts of the Target in the upper Top Left Readout Target.
Next Increase DGAIN in small increments to dampen the move if it is slamming into position.
Note: XY Systems must have the Gains Set Exactly the Same for Coordinated Motion to be precise.
The Preceding is a general format for tuning and not by any means the only way to tune an axis.
Repeat For All Attached Axes’.