WARNING! This brushcutter can be dangerous! Careless or i m proper use can
cause serious or even fatal injury .
B. Read and understand the instruction manual before using the brushcutter .
C. Always use:
Ear p rotection, eye protection, he ad protection, boots, and gloves.
D. DANGER! Blade can thrust violently away from material it does not cut. Blade
thrust can cause amputation of arms or legs. Keep people and animals 15 meters
E. WARNING! Blade/trimmer linecan throw objects violently .You andothers can be
blinded or injured. Always wear eye protection and leg protection.
F. The operator of the machine must insure that noone comes within a 15 meterradius
whileworking. Whenseveral operatorsare workingwithinthesameareaa safety dis-
tance of at least 1 5 meters must be observed.
G. Use unleaded or quality leade d petrol and two--stroke oil m ixed at a ratio of 2.5%.
H. Assist handle to be positioned only below t he arrow.
I. Engine ON/STOP Switch.
J. Guaranteed sound power level according to Directive 2000/14/EC
K. Maximum rotational frequency of the spindle, rpm
WARNING: When using gardening
appliances, basic safety precautions should a l-
ways be followed to reduce the risk of fire and
serious injury . Read and follow all instructions.
DANGER: This pow er tool can be
dangerous!This unitcancauseserious injury
including amputation or blindness to the op-
erator and others. The warnings and safety
provide reasonable safety and efficiency in
using theunit. The operatoris responsiblefor
following thewarnings andinstructions inthis
manual and on the unit. Read the entire in-
struction manual before a ssembling and us-
ingtheunit! Restrict t heuseof thisunit toper-
sons who read, understand, and follow the
warnings and instructions in this manual and
on the unit. Never allow children to operate
this unit.hildren to operate this unit.
DANGER: Blade can thrust violently
away from material it does not cut. Blade
thrust can cause amputation of arms or legs.
Keep people and animals 15 meters away.
WARNING: Blade/trimmer line can
throw objectsviolently.Yo uandothers canbe
blinded or injured. Wear safety glasses and
leg protection.
WARNING: Hazard zone for thrown
violently. Others can be blinded or injured.
Keep people and animals 15 m eters away.
Hazard Zone
WARNING: Do notuse trimmer head
as a fastening device for the blade.