Turn on the printer and make sure it is ready to receive data
before you download. See your host’s documentation, system
administrator, or "Downloading Methods" for information on ways
to download.
When downloading, send your packets in this order:
Memory configuration packet (M)
Configuration packets (A-G)
Any of the following:
Check digit packets (see Chapter 4)
Format packets (see Chapter 3)
Graphic packets (see Chapter 5)
Batch data (see "Defining the Batch Header")
Formatting Flash
Before you send packets to flash memory, it must be formatted
first. This is required once during initial printer setup. On the
9800 series printers, from the Main Menu, select Setup, Flash
Memory, then Format Flash. The process takes a few minutes.
When you format flash memory, the script and
any downloaded TrueType® fonts saved in the
printer’s flash memory are deleted and must
be resent to the printer. Refer to your
printer’s Operator’s Handbook for more