
Pelco Manual C1043M-A (2/96) 15
4.8.10 Shadow List Programming
This list tells the 8- or 16-position Inter-Check Switcher
which camera and POS terminal are linked together. It is
also used to program sequential video switching. The [S]
hotkey is used to turn switcher sequencing on and off.
Press [0]. A long list of numbers will scroll up the screen.
The following prompt will appear:
30. 30 30
31. 31 31
32. 32 32
ESC to exit or ENTER to edit!
The default setting is thirty-two line items. If you have
already changed the programming, the list will stop with
the last programmed item.
•Press [Enter] to edit. The cursor should now be
under the REG” (for Register) column.
•Type in the number of your first Register, then press
1.1 1
The cursor will move to the next column under CAM.
Enter the camera number on the Inter-Check switcher used
to capture video for your first register. Press [Enter].
1.1 1 1
The cursor should now appear under the DWL column.
This is used for setting camera dwell time. Dwell time is
the amount of time in seconds that the video picture will
appear on the screen before switching to the next camera.
Enter the desired dwell time, then press [ENTER]. If
you want to skip a particular camera position during
sequencing, enter a zero for the camera dwell time.
NOTE: If you need to skip a line during
programming, press the [ESC] key. Pressing
the [ENTER] key will end your programming
session and return you to the System Menu.
Example 1:
Shadow List
1. 115
2. 216
3. 324
4. 462
5. 5 9
During sequencing, with the above parameters set, the
following would occur:
1. Camera 1 would be selected for 5 seconds.
2. Camera 1 would be selected for 6 more seconds.
3. Camera 2 would be selected for 4 seconds.
4. Camera 6 would be selected for 2 seconds.
5. Since there is no dwell time programmed for camera
9, it will be skipped and sequencing will start over
from the beginning.
Example 2:
Shadow List
1. 1 1
2. 225
3. 335
4. 445
Number one has nothing programmed under dwell time.
The Inter-Check unit interprets this as “we’re at the end
of the sequence; go back to the beginning”. Since this
is the beginning, no sequencing takes place.
Each alarming output has its own dwell time. Alarm
output number two's dwell time is used for additional
functions, including switcher sequencing and excep-
tion hold time. If there are a number of conflicting com-
mands asking for the “use” of the timer simultaneously,
the timer determines priorities in the following order:
1. Alarm output timing
2. Exception hold (if exceptions are on)
3. Shadow switcher (if sequencing is on)
During an exception, the camera dwell time pro-
grammed above will also be used for the dwell time of
the alarm output. The preprogramming dwell time for
the alarm output is overridden during an exception.
Once the exception alarm has “timed out”, sequencing
will continue from that item in the shadow list.