46 C1696M (8/06)
Searching for Video
The DVR5100 offers two options for searching for recorded video:
• Quick Search: With Quick Search you can search for video for the currently selected camera.
• Enhanced Search: With Enhanced Search you can search for video on multiple cameras and for any available date and time range. An
enhanced search can be refined to include only specific events or recording types on specific cameras.
The Quick Search function provides a simple interface for selecting a time within the past 24 hours of the recorded video you want to view. This
section describes how to use the Quick Search feature.
Figure 54. Quick Search Dialog Box
The Quick Search dialog box contains the following commands and features:
• Timeline: Units of time increase or decrease between months and days, days and hours, hours and minutes, or minutes and seconds.
The Panel Keypad shuttle is used to change units as follows:
– Zoom in: Turn the shuttle clockwise to display a smaller unit of time.
– Zoom out: Turn the shuttle counterclockwise to display a larger unit of time.
Along with stars that indicate a marked event, the graphical indicator for recorded video represents recorded video with four different
colored bars:
• Green: Continuous recording
• Red: Alarm recording
• Blue: Motion recording
• Yellow: Manual recording
You turn the jog (inner dial) to the right or left to move forward or backward along the timeline.
• Play : Starts playing back the video from the position of the cursor along the timeline. The time and date are displayed above
the timeline.
• Lock : Displays the Lock Clip dialog box on which you can specify the date and time for which you want to lock a video clip.
• OK : Accepts the selected date and time. The recorded video clip is displayed in the currently selected video pane.
• Cancel : Rejects the selected date and time. No recorded video clip is displayed in the currently selected video pane.