40 C3662M (6/08)
The Digital Sentry WatchDog Service is a Windows service that monitors various aspects of the DS system and performs an action when there is
a potential need for human intervention.
When certain events occur, the WatchDog Service communicates with FlashGuard, a cardlet installed in all DS servers and VAUs. FlashGuard
responds to events in one or both of the following ways:
• Triggers an alarm. The WatchDog Service triggers FlashGuard’s relay output when the event occurs (the circuit is open when the output is
triggered). If an alarm is connected to the output, the alarm panel operator is notified of the event and must determine whether it requires
human intervention. To determine the nature of an event, the operator must run the Digital Sentry client application and view the pop-up
message box.
When the relay output is triggered, the client message queue must be cleared to reset the output and alarm. If other steps are required to
resolve the situation that triggered the relay output, clearing the message queue should be the final step.
• Restarts the component. If a DS component locks up for a specified amount of time, or if a vital service isn’t running, the WatchDog
Service causes FlashGuard to restart the component. If the services are not reactivated by the first restart, FlashGuard restarts the
component again, up to a total of five times. After the fifth attempt, an error message appears in the Digital Sentry client.
The following events cause one or both of the described actions:
*Refer to the DSWatchEventEditor on page 41 for details.
• The Digital Sentry WatchDog Service must be running for FlashGuard to trigger its relay output or restart a component.
• If a DS component’s services must be stopped for any reason, always stop the WatchDog Service before stopping any other service.
Similarly, when you start a component’s services, always start the WatchDog Service last.
• In most cases, FlashGuardTest indicates a COM port that is one digit lower than the actual COM port number used with PTZ cameras.
For example, if FlashGuardTest displays 5 as the COM port, use COM6 as the PTZ port. The only exception occurs if FlashGuardTest displays
2 as the COM port; in this case, use COM2 as the PTZ port.
FlashGuardTest is used to test the restart and relay output capabilities of FlashGuard on COM5 of the DS component. FlashGuardTest can be run
by selecting Programs>Integral>FlashGuardTest from the Start menu. The following tests are available:
• Relay output: Click Open to trigger the relay output and test the connected alarm. Click Close to deactivate the alarm.
• Restart: Enter a timeout (in seconds). When you click Arm, an internal timer counts down the time entered. To reset the timer while
keeping it armed, click Restart Countdown. To deactivate the timer, click Disarm. If the timer expires, the DS component is restarted.
NOTE: Triggering a restart using FlashGuard may cause a configured RAID hard drive array to rebuild, which can temporarily slow down the
video capture rate. A RAID rebuild can occur regardless of whether the restart is triggered intentionally using FlashGuardTest or automatically in
the event of an error.
Table C. Watchdog Service Events
relay output
A watched service is not started or cannot be started
while the WatchDog Service is running
A service on the component is the source of a Critical
Message currently listed in the message queue
Any event entered in DSWatchEventEditor* YES NO