
5-14 Pelco Manual C501M-B (10/97) User Profile Form
The User Profile Form is used to create a permanent
record for each user that will have access to the sys-
tem. In addition to assigning priority, user ID and user
access number, the programmer also should define those
cameras the individual will have access to. This chart
should be filled out for each operator prior to allowing
access to the system.
IMPORTANT: Because these charts contain
the passwords to the system, it is important that
they be stored in a secure location to prevent
unauthorized disclosure and subsequent unau-
thorized entry into the system and its programs.
USER NAME Place the user’s name in this location
for reference purposes.
USER ID Number ranging from 1 to 16.
CODE (PIN) A five-digit alphanumeric password
identification number (PIN) used by
individuals in the log on process.
LEVEL A two-digit number that establishes
the user’s control priority over indi-
vidual cameras within the system.
Lower numbers take priority over
higher numbers. Equal numbers have
the same priority.
Description This section is used to define which
menu items will be available to the
user when accessing the system for
programming purposes. Enter either
Guard (GRD), Supervisor (SPR) or
Manager (MGR).
MGR Users with this description have full
access to all menu items in the Main
Menu Bar and the On-Screen Func-
tion Buttons when the [ENTER]
key is pressed.
SPR Users with this description have lim-
ited access to menu items. When the
[ENTER] key is pressed, both the
Main Menu Bar and the On-Screen
Function Buttons will appear on the
Data Monitor. However, users with
this description will not have access
to the Keybrd or User menu items.
GRD Users with this description only will
have access to the On-Screen Func-
tion Buttons when pressing the [EN-
TER] key.
ACCESS This section is used to define which
cameras the individual user will have
control over. LOK restricts the user
from accessing or controlling the
camera. VID allows the user to call
up the video output from the cam-
era, but restricts control of the cam-
era. POS allows the user to call up
the camera and permits control of the
movement of the camera.