10 Pelco Manual C1941M (7/98)
3.2.1 Input VCR Connectors
Physically, each of the four VCRC input connectors consists of the same number of
input screw-type terminals. Each input group uses a dual-row removable plug and
each plug is associated with 8 VCR inputs.
For example, refer to the leftmost group represented in Figure 5, which shows VCR
inputs 1-16. Of these VCR inputs, 1-8 are wired using the top 16 screw terminal
positions. VCR inputs on this connector physically alternate with their associated
GND connection for a total of 8 available VCR/GND connections: that is, pin 1 is
VCR input 1 and pin 2 is the GND connection associated with VCR input 1; pin 3 is
VCR input 2 and pin 4 is VCR input 2’s associated GND connection, and so on.
The same explanation applies to the lower plug for VCR inputs 9-16, starting with
VCR input 9 which is associated with physical pin 17 on the mating plug.
In a similar manner, the remaining plug (upper/lower) combinations accommodate
the three remaining VCR input blocks: that is, inputs 17-32 are handled by header
two, inputs 33-48 by header three, and inputs 49-64 by header four.
Figure 5. VCR Input Plugs
Control cable
length should not be extended fur-
ther than the supplied 20 feet be-
cause resistive ladder input circuits
are very susceptible to additional
line impedance. It is also recom-
mended that shielded cable be used
to minimize external electrical inter-
ference with VCRC control signals.
See important note in Figure 9 re-
garding power hookup and interfer-