76 C2630M-B (4/08)
Index search allows a user to search video by events, such as motion detection or alarm activation. Events are listed chronologically and by type.
To ensure the proper camera channel is selected, check the camera information box above the playback timeline or verify that the desired view
panel is framed with a thin red outline. Index video can also be displayed in full screen view. For information about displaying playback video in
full screen view, refer to Displaying Index Search Video in Full Screen View on page 27.
To search video by motion or alarm events:
1. On the DX8100 toolbar, click .
2. On the DX8100 Search control, click .
3. On the DX8100 toolbar, click a view panel division button.
4. From the Site tree, drag the camera channel you want to search onto one of the view panels.
5. Click the view panel of the channel you want to search.
6. From the drop-down box on the playback timeline, select the day you want playback to begin.
7. Select the event type you want to view from the event type drop-down box.
Only events recorded for the selected camera are listed in the index. A sensor event is identical to an alarm event. Options are as follows:
• Alarm in
• Video Loss
8. Select an event from the index.
9. Verify that the “Select all” check box is selected. Deselecting the “Select all” check box will disable playback for all view panels except the
channel being searched.
The DX8100 allows you to view playback on multiple cameras in addition to the camera being searched. This feature is valuable if you want
to examine a variety of views recorded at the time a certain event was detected.