C2630M-C (7/09) 254
access levels
Administrator 18
logging into DX8100 18
logging out of DX8100 18
user 18
access levels 18
access levels, definition of 210
Administrator 18
built-in user accounts 209
Guest 18
activating remote sites 217
active remote cameras, locating 217
DHCP 169
static IP 169
accessing the setup mode 114
setup options 114
alarm event
emergency notification 145
recording mode, setting up 145
alarm inputs
linking a single alarm input to multiple cameras 39
linking multiple alarms to one camera 39
removing a linked alarm input from a camera 40
setting up
alarm input, selecting 133
alarm output type, selecting 133
basic operating properties 133
creating custom name for 133
supported 132
area, viewing
pane 24, 30
panel 24, 30
ATM/POS communications
running diagnostics 196
connection, verifying 196
viewing ATM/POS data 197
ATM/POS device
data format
assigning to an ATM/POS device 190
creating 189
deleting 190
editing 189
overview 186
Data Format page, overview 187
device filter, custom 189
dynamic-link library (DLL) files 200
multi mode 180
installing 200
updating 200
single mode 180
ATM/POS event
ATM/POS address, selecting 135
ATM/POS recording mode, setting up 145
linking relay to 135
recording 197
ATM/POS exceptions
assigning to an ATM/POS device 196
creating 193
deleting 195
editing 195
exception action codes, defined 192
modifiers 195
overview 84, 89, 191
audio 119
audio indicator 46
audio, listening to 121
auxiliary feature
external equipment 61
how used 61
protocols, supported 61
backed up data
backup schedule
creating 202
deleting 205
editing 204
instant, starting 205
overview 202
media device, selecting 207
overview 201
viewing 109, 201, 207
backed up video
working with 96, 109, 207
bandwidth throttle options 170
base port 170
baud rate 180, 181
See schedule
alarm input, linking to camera 39
assigning all cameras to view panes 39
assigning to a view pane 39, 42
D, P, or Coaxitron protocol support 53
event detection/repositioning--PTZ preset/patterns linked to
alarm events 140
ATM/POS events 141
motion events 139
video loss events 142
expanded audio 119
external event recording
alarm event, linking multiple cameras to record 137