
254 C1553M-B (4/05)
Many windows can be resized, including the Configuration window, the Object Browser window, and some dialog boxes.
You cannot resize a window when it is maximized, that is, when it fills the entire screen. If you want to resize a window that is maximized, first
reduce it by clicking the Restore Down button in the right corner of the title bar, or double-click the title bar. In order to resize the Object Browser,
you must undock it first.
Resize windows as follows:
Change the width: Point to the left or right window border. When the pointer changes into a horizontal double-headed arrow, drag the
border to the right or left.
Change the height: Point to the top or bottom window border. When the pointer changes into a vertical double-headed arrow, drag the
border up or down.
Change the width and height simultaneously: Point to a corner of the window border. When the pointer changes into a diagonal double-
headed arrow, drag the border in any direction.
You can reposition the Configuration window when it is restored down, the Object Browser when it is undocked, or any dialog box as follows:
1. Position the pointer over the window’s title bar.
2. Click the left mouse button and hold it down.
3. Drag the window to the desired location.
4. Release the mouse button.
In many contexts, right-clicking an item opens a pop-up menu of actions you can apply to the item. Table AQ lists the contexts in which pop-up
menus are available and the commands they contain.
Table AQ. Pop-up Menu Commands
NOTE: If the pointer does not change when it’s positioned over a window border, then that window cannot be resized.
Object Browser n/a Object Browser docking commands
Project Root of Object Browser Edit; Object Browser docking commands
Object type Object Browser left pane Add New; Object Browser docking commands
Object Object Browser either pane Edit, Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste Many, Delete;
Object Browser docking commands
Canvas Object Browser right pane All Object commands, plus Move Up, Move Down
Named view Object Browser right pane All Object commands, plus Update
Device Object Browser either pane All Object commands, plus Local Settings
Device write property Object Browser right pane Edit Interlock; Object Browser docking commands
Log Object Browser right pane View; Object Browser docking commands
Device icon Map viewport Edit, Local Settings, Move, Scale and Rotate, Remove
Device label Map viewport Edit Label, Move, Scale, Remove
Alarm icon Map viewport Edit, Move, Scale, Remove
Alarm label Map viewport Edit Label, Move, Scale, Remove
Hotlink Map viewport Edit, Delete
Hotlink vertex Map viewport Delete Vertex, Insert Vertex
Label Map viewport Edit Label, Move, Scale, Remove