Note: Finish the interior of the window and allow the window to dry before proceeding with
these instructions. (To open the window for finishing, partially insert the lock handle into the
jamb, unlock the unit, temporarily attach the crank handle and turn to open.)
A. Place the cover over the operator stud and snap into place.
B. Apply pressure to the pocket end of the cover and snap
into place.
C. Use a medium size flat-blade screwdriver to loosen the set
screw in the crank handle.
D. Slide the crank handle onto the stud. Unlock, open window,
then close and lock window.
E. Fold the crank handle down and check alignment of knob
with the pocket.
Note: You may need to adjust the crank position on the
stud until the correct alignment is achieved.
F. Open the crank and tighten the set screw.
G. After the final installation, fold the crank over and snap the
knob into the pocket.
Note: Even with the window open the crank can be folded
to avoid interfering with the window treatments.
Note: You may want to remove the lock lever prior to finishing the window, or if it needs to be
replaced with a lock lever in a different finish.
A. Unlock and open the window.
B. Place the lock lever in the locked position.
C. From the exterior of the window, insert a small flat
blade screwdriver into the slot behind the lock lever.
D. Pry the cam away from the side of the window by
rotating the screwdriver a quarter turn.
Note: This will release the hook in the lever from
the cam hook.
E. Remove the lock lever by pulling it toward the
interior of the building.
F. To install a lock lever, hold it in the lock position
and insert it, from the interior, into the slot until it
snaps into the cam.