Finding Objects
Look directly at the star or other object, or the area of the sky you want
to aim at. Keeping both eyes open, move the Teleport so that the finder
comes between one eye and where you want to aim. Position it so the
object or area is centered in the circles.
Finder Alignment
1. With a long focal length eyepiece (about 40mm if possible) in place,
follow the above procedure to aim the Teleport at a bright star. (Polaris
is good, since it moves so slowly through the field.)
2. Look through the eyepiece. If the star is not in the field, sweep the
scope in that area of the sky until it appears, and then center it.
3. Look through the finder with both eyes
open and adjust the three white screws
(Fig 22) to shift the red rings so the star is
centered. Use care to avoid moving the
scope when you do this.
4. Check the eyepiece field to see the star is
still centered, and repeat as needed.
5. To improve the alignment accuracy, change
to a medium power eyepiece (about 10mm)
and repeat the procedure.
Be sure to remove the finder from the secondary cage baseplate and
place it on it’s storage baseplate before closing your scope.
The Rigel Finder uses a BR2032 or CR2032 three-volt lithium battery,
or equivalent. These are readily available in the photo departments of
department or electronics stores. To replace, remove the finder from its
base, push out the battery and slip in the new one, being careful to get
the polarity correct.
Fig 22: Finder alignment