Dear Customer,
Thank you for purchasing this Philips monitor.
manufactured to high standards and deliver high-
quality performance, ease of use and ease of
installation. Should you encounter any difficulties
while installing or using this product, please contact
the Philips helpdesk directly to benefit from your
Philips Warranty conditions. This service warranty
entitles you to get a solution depending on the
model you purchased when your monitor turns
out to be faulty or defective.
What is covered?
This Philips Guarantee in Central and Eastern
Europe applies within Czech Republic, Hungary,
Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria,
Croatia and only for monitors originally designed,
manufactured, approved and/or authorized for
usage within these countries.
Warranty coverage begins as from the day you
buy your monitor and be serviced in case of
defects provided for under the warranty coverage,
for a warranty period of 24 months for Philips C,
E, T, V, and X models and for models B, P and S we
is your proof for the purchase day, so keep this
carefully stored and available when a warranty
service is requested.
Depending on your region you can deliver your
monitor to the address of our Certified Service
Center or your monitor will be picked-up at your
him up or it will be returned back to your address
within 10 working days started when the defect
units arrived in our service center.
If no Repair can be fulfilled within 10 working days
after the unit is picked up then a replacement
monitor of at least an equivalent monitor will be
given to you.
The replacement monitor remains yours and
the replacement monitor the warranty period
remains equal to that of your original monitor.
What is excluded?
The Philips guarantee applies provided the
product is handled properly for its intended use,
in accordance with its operating instructions and
upon presentation of the original invoice or cash
receipt, indicating the date of purchase, dealer's
name and model and production number of the
• Thedocumentshavebeenalteredinanyway
or made illegible;
• Themodelorproductionnumberonthe
product has been altered, deleted, removed or
made illegible;
• Repairsorproductmodificationsand
alterations have been executed by unauthorized
service organizations or
• Damageiscausedbyaccidentsincludingbut
not limited to lightning, water or fire, misuse or
• Receptionproblemscausedbysignal
conditions or cable or antenna systems outside
the unit;
• Defectscausedbyabuseormisuseofthe
• Productrequiresmodificationoradaptationto
enable it to comply with local or national technical
standards, which apply in countries for which the
product was not originally designed, manufactured,
approved and/or authorized. Therefore always
check whether a product can be used in a specific
6. Customer care and warranty