OEM Catalogue 2009/20103.56
SON-T Plus E40
Product Description
High Pressure Sodium lamp with clear tubular outer bulb, high
output and long reliable lifetime
Product Features
Clear tubular outer bulb
Ceramic discharge tube with Philips Integrated Antenna (PIA) for a
long and reliable lifetime
Robust construction with few welding points is highly vibration- and
shock-resistant, further reducing early failures and extending lamp
ZrAl getter ensures high lumen maintenance and few early failures
“Plus” concept with high efficacy translated into high light output
Completely lead-free lamps
Product Benefits
Superior technology results in a long and reliable lifetime, high
lumen maintenance and a reliable ignition over lifetime
High energy efficacy and absence of lead (Pb) makes this a sound
environmental offer
High luminous efficacy makes this the most energy efficient HPS
Road and residential lighting
Decorative floodlighting, illumination
Industrial area lighting
Recreational sports facilities indoor and outdoor
Horticultural lighting
Good environmental choice because of high energy efficiency and
long reliable life
Products are RoHS compliant
Products are covered by WEEE
Recommended gear page 3.170
Type CMax DMax LNom ONom
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