Note: When the Sonicare is used in clinical studies,
the handle should be fully charged. Deactivate the
Easy-start feature and for areas where excess staining
occurs, an additional 30 seconds of brushing time can
be spent to assist with stain removal.
This Sonicare model comes with the Easy-start
feature activated.
The Easy-start feature gently increases the power
over the first 14 brushings.
Note: Each of the rst 14 brushings must be at least
1 minute in length to advance through the Easy-start
ramp-up cycle properly.
Deactivating or activating the Easy-start
1 Attach the brush head to the handle.
2 Place the handle in the plugged-in charger.
- To deactivate Easy-start:
Press and hold the power on/off button for
2 seconds. You hear 1 beep to indicate that
the Easy-start feature has been deactivated.
- To activate Easy-start:
Press and hold the power on/off button for
2 seconds. You hear 2 beeps to indicate that
the Easy-start feature has been activated.
Note: Using the Easy-start feature beyond the initial
ramp-up period is not recommended and reduces
Sonicare’s effectiveness in removing plaque.