Philips Sound Solutions
The Ultimate Edge™ Soundcard Users Guide
Figure 15
Before you start recording, you need to configure the recording source. Select a source by
clicking the appropriate “Select” button. Each source has its own level and balance controls. To
set each slider in its default position, right click on the sliders. See Figure 15.
The default recording source is Input Mix, but you can select other sources by going to the Mixer
tab and clicking on the Recording sub-tab. Advanced Mixer Sub-Tab
S/PDIF Enable
The S/PDIF digital output normally supplies the digital equivalent of the signal present at the
analog (front speakers or headphones) outputs. However, when this button is selected, Dolby
Digital (AC3) or DTS audio from DVD playback is passed through to the RCA S/PDIF output for
external decoding. See Figure 16.
NOTE: For proper AC3/DTS pass-thru operation, the software DVD player application used may
require additional configuration settings. Refer to the DVD player documentation for additional
Figure 16