Menu operations 21
Each calls list stores up to 10 numbers, the latest call
appearing first. If the list is full, any new record will re-
place the last record in the list.
Each call record features the other party’s name or
number, the date and time of call, the total number of
calls made and the location of the call in the list.
Select an item in the list and press to dial the
number. Press [
], then [
] to ac-
cess the other options, which are
Send SMS
(available only when a number has
not been stored) and
Call meters
This menu allows you to handle the cost and duration
of your calls. Most items of this menu are network-de-
pendent and PIN2 code protected.
To reset the selected calls list (dialled, an-
swered or missed calls).
Call meters
To access the calls durations and costs
(see below for details).
Last call
Displays the last call duration.
Displays the transfer volume (in bytes)
during the last GPRS call.
Call timers
Displays the total duration of dialled and
incoming calls, and allows you to reset
Network and subscription-dependent.
Displays the accumulated costs and al-
lows you to set counters to zero. The fol-
lowing options are available:
Show cost
: to show the total costs
for dialled and received calls since
the last reset of the timer.
Reset charge counter
: to reset the
counter’s reading to zero (protected
by PIN2 code).
Show balance
: to show account bal-
ance available for calls.
Show limit
: to show the maximum
preset limit of call costs.
Cancel limit
: to cancel the preset
limit of call costs (protected by the
PIN2 code).
Set limit
: to set the maximum limit
of call costs (protected by the PIN2
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