
Philips Medical Systems
instructed. When the self-test is over, the FRx will report the
results, then turn off and go to standby mode. The blinking green
Ready light shows the defibrillator is ready for use.
4. Place the Quick Reference Guide, a brief illustrated guide for
using the FRx to treat a victim of sudden cardiac arrest, in the
defibrillator carry case.
NOTE: Do not store anything in the defibrillator carry case that it
is not designed to accommodate. Store all objects in their
intended location in the case.
5. Store the FRx in accordance with your site’s emergency
response protocol. Typically, this will be in a high-traffic area that
is easy to access, convenient for checking the Ready light
periodically, and easy to hear the alarm chirp if the battery
power gets low or the defibrillator needs attention. Ideally, the
HeartStart should be stored near a telephone, so the Emergency
Response Team or Emergency Medical Services can be alerted as
fast as possible in the event of a possible SCA. Keep a spare
SMART Pads II cartridge and other accessories with the
defibrillator – in the carry case – for quick access when needed.
Be sure to store the defibrillator according to its specifications.
See Appendix E for details.
NOTE: Always store the FRx with a set of SMART Pads II
connected and a battery installed, so it will be ready to use.
* As long as a battery is installed and a set of SMART Pads II is connected, turning
the FRx “off” puts it into standby mode, which means that it is ready for use.
Any of the carry case options has room for storing the Quick Reference Guide.