Go to your Windows Start menu. Select Settings, then Control Panel. Select Display.
Move to Settings and click on the Advanced button. Under Adaptor, change the
refresh rate to 56~75.
You have 10 minutes to complete the operation; if you do not complete within 10
minutes, power off and re-power on monitor to enter changes.
Q: What does 'refresh rate' mean in connection with an LCD monitor?
A: The refresh rate is of much less relevance for LCD monitors. LCD monitors display
a stable, flicker-free image at 60Hz. There is no visible difference between 85Hz and
Q: What are the .inf and .icm files on the CD-ROM? How do I install the drivers (.inf and .
A: These are the driver files for your monitor. Follow the instructions in your user
manual to install the drivers. Your computer may ask you for monitor drivers (.inf and .
icm files) or a driver disk when you first install your monitor. Follow the instructions to
insert the ( companion CD-ROM) included in this package. Monitor drivers (.inf and .
icm files) will be installed automatically.
Q: How do I adjust the resolution?
A: Your video card/graphic driver and monitor together determine the available
resolutions. You can select the desired resolution under Windows® Control Panel
with the "Display properties"
Q: What if I get lost when I am making monitor adjustments?
A: Simply press the OK button, then select 'Reset' to recall all of the original factory
file:///D|/My%20Documents/dfu/420WN6/english/420wn6/SAFETY/SAF_FAQ.HTM (2 of 9)2005-07-09 9:06:10 AM