
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Go to your Windows Start menu. Select Settings, then Control Panel. Select Display.
Move to Settings and click on the Advanced button. Under Adaptor, change the
refresh rate to 56~75.
You have 10 minutes to complete the operation; if you do not complete within 10
minutes, power off and re-power on monitor to enter changes.
Q: What does 'refresh rate' mean in connection with an LCD monitor?
A: The refresh rate is of much less relevance for LCD monitors. LCD monitors display
a stable, flicker-free image at 60Hz. There is no visible difference between 85Hz and
Q: What are the .inf and .icm files on the CD-ROM? How do I install the drivers (.inf and .
A: These are the driver files for your monitor. Follow the instructions in your user
manual to install the drivers. Your computer may ask you for monitor drivers (.inf and .
icm files) or a driver disk when you first install your monitor. Follow the instructions to
insert the ( companion CD-ROM) included in this package. Monitor drivers (.inf and .
icm files) will be installed automatically.
Q: How do I adjust the resolution?
A: Your video card/graphic driver and monitor together determine the available
resolutions. You can select the desired resolution under Windows® Control Panel
with the "Display properties"
Q: What if I get lost when I am making monitor adjustments?
A: Simply press the OK button, then select 'Reset' to recall all of the original factory
file:///D|/My%20Documents/dfu/420WN6/english/420wn6/SAFETY/SAF_FAQ.HTM (2 of 9)2005-07-09 9:06:10 AM