
8-2 8-2
Dismantling of Tray
Service hints
1. Open the tray and release 2 catches as
shown in fig. 2
2. Pull tray out.
Assembling of Tray
1. Check if slider is on the right side see
picture below.
2. If necessary - move slider to the right end
position first.
3. Insert the Tray.
Laser Power Control & HF Amplifier (ADALAS) TZA1024/TZA1025
Pin Name Direction Description
1 LD HF-preamp CD-drive current output to laser diode
2 VCCL +5V laser supply voltage
3 CFIL HF-preamp external filter capacitor
4 MON CD-drive HF-preamp laser monitor diode input
5 DIN CD-drive HF-preamp central diode input
6 GND GND ground
7 PWRON CD10 HF-preamp power-on select input
8 CMFB VrefCD10 (+3,3V / 2) common mode feedback voltage input
9 RFFB HF-preamp external RF feedback resistor
10 RFEQO HF-preamp RF amplifier output
11 CDRW CD10 HF-preamp gain select input for CDDA/CDRW
12 EQSEL CD10 HF-preamp equalizer/speed select input
13 VCC2 +3,3V supply voltage
14 RGADJ GND external laser supply gain adjust resistor
Pin Name Direction Description
1 HFREF CD10 comparator common mode input
2 HFIN CD10 comparator signal input
3 ISLICE CD10 current feedback from data slicer
4 VSSA1 GND analog ground 1
5 VDDA1 +3,3V analog supply voltage 1
6 IREF CD10 reference current output pin
7 VRIN CD10 reference voltage for servo ADC’s
8 D1 CD-drive CD10 unipolar current input (central diode signal input)
9 D2 CD-drive CD10 unipolar current input (central diode signal input)
10 D3 CD-drive CD10 unipolar current input (central diode signal input)
11 D4 CD-drive CD10 unipolar current input (central diode signal input)
12 R1 CD-drive CD10 unipolar current input (satellite diode signal input)
13 R2 CD-drive CD10 unipolar current input (satellite diode signal input)
14 VSSA2 GND analog ground 2
15 CROUT CD10 X-TAL crystal/resonator output
16 CRIN X-TAL CD10 crystal/resonator input
17 VDDA2 +3,3V analog supply voltage 2
18 LN CD10 DAC left channel differential output - negative
19 LP CD10 DAC left channel differential output - positive
20 VNEG GND DAC negative reference input
21 VPOS +3,3V DAC positive reference input
22 RN CD10 DAC right channel differential output - negative
23 RP CD10 DAC right channel differential output - positive
24 SELPLL CD10 selects whether internal clock multiplier PLL is used
25 TEST1 GND test control input 1; this pin should be tied low
26 CL16 CD10 NPC 16.9344 MHz system clock output
27 DATA CD10 NPC serial data output (3-state)
28 WCLK CD10 NPC word clock output (3-state)
29 SCLK CD10 NPC serial bit clock output (3-state)
30 EF CD10 NPC C2 error flag output (3-state)
31 TEST2 GND test control input 2; this pin should be tied low
32 KILL CD10 Mute control kill output (programmable; open-drain)
33 VSSD1 GND digital ground 2
34 V2/V3 CD10 NPC versatile I/O: input versatile pin 2 or output versatile pin 3 (open-drain)
35 WCLI NPC CD10 word clock input (for data loopback to DAC)
36 SDI NPC CD10 serial data input (for data loopback to DAC)
37 SCLI NPC CD10 serial bit clock input (for data loopback to DAC)
38 RESETn µP CD10 power-on reset input (active low)
39 SDA µP CD10 microcontroller interface data I/O line (open-drain output)
40 SCL µP CD10 microcontroller interface clock line input
41 RAB µP CD10 microcontroller interface R/W and load control line input (4-wire bus mode)
42 SILD µP CD10 microcontroller interface R/W and load control line input (4-wire bus mode)
43 STATUS CD10 servo interrupt request line/decoder status register output (open-drain)
44 TEST3 GND test control input 3; this pin should be tied low
45 RCK CD10 subcode clock input
46 SUB CD10 P-to-W subcode bits output (3-state)
47 SFSY CD10 µP subcode frame sync output (3-state)
48 SBSY CD10 NPC subcode block sync output (3-state)
49 CL11/4 CD10 11.2896 MHz or 4.2336 MHz (for microcontroller) clock output
50 VSSD2 GND digital ground 3
51 DOBM CD10 bi-phase mark output (externally buffered; 3-state)
52 VDDD1P +3,3V digital supply voltage 2 for periphery
53 CFLG CD10 correction flag output (open-drain)
54 RA CD10 servo driver radial actuator output
55 FO CD10 servo driver focus actuator output
56 SL CD10 servo driver slide control output
57 VDDD2C +3,3V digital supply voltage 3 for core
58 VSSD3 GND digital ground 4
59 MOTO1 CD10 servo driver motor output 1; versatile (3-state)
60 MOTO2 CD10 motor output 2; versatile (3-state)
61 V4 CD10 HF-preamp versatile output pin 4
62 V5 CD10 HF-preamp versatile output pin 5
63 V1 innerswitch CD10 versatile input pin 1
64 LDON CD10 HF-preamp laser drive on output (open-drain)