Mount into the dashboard
Make sure that wires are correctly connected before
you mount the main unit into a car.
• If preset radio stations are lost when the ignition key
is turned OFF and then back ON, reconnect the red
leads crosswise to the yellow ones.
1 If the car does not have an on-board drive
or navigation computer, disconnect the
negative terminal of the car battery.
• If you disconnect the car battery in
a car that has an on-board drive or
navigation computer, the computer
may lose its memory.
• If the car battery is not disconnected,
to avoid short-circuit, make sure that
bare wires do not touch each other.
2 Make sure that the car dashboard opening
is within these measurements:
• Since the unit cannot be used if the
dashboard opening's slant angle is
above 20 degrees, make sure that the
horizontal slant of the car dashboard
opening is between 0 and 20 degrees.
182 mm
112 mm
5 mm
3 Slide the unit into the dashboard until a
click sound is heard.
4 Reconnect the negative terminal of the car