Reector R50
Incandescent Reector
Reector R50
Incandescent Reector
Brighter light
All the benets of high-performance, high-efciency r
spotlighting, simply by replacing conventional reector lamps
with ring mirror lamps of the same size and wattage
Display lighting in shops, hotels, restaurants and homes r
Why choose?
Centre-beam intensities up to 100% higher than with r
conventional reector lamps
Technical Features
Optic gives double reection of part of the light emitted by r
the lament
Beam spread and luminous intensity make these lamps r
especially suitable wherever space is limited and in small
Direct replacement for conventional reector lamps of all r
Easy tting and removal thanks to tapered prole r
Dimensions in mm C D
max. max.
NR50 85 50
Preferred selection
Product ID Lamp Lamp Cap/ Bulb Beam Finish Luminous Avg Operating Packaging Order Code
Wattage Voltage Base Shape Angle Intensity Lifetime position Type
(W) (V) (degrees) (cd) (hrs) 8711500
Reector R50 25W 230V E14 NR50 30D Frosted 210 1000 any 1CT
Reector R50 40W 125-130V E14 NR50 30D Frosted 400 1000 any 1CT
Reector R50 40W 230V E14 NR50 30D Frosted 400 1000 any 1CT
Reector R50 40W 240V E14 NR50 30D Frosted 400 1000 any 1CT
Reector R50