
My Files 49
When you enter this menu, the audios which you
have stored or downloaded via MMS, WAP, BT or
USB will be displayed in a list.
Select My files > Sounds and press , to enter the
Press C Options to carry out the following
operations to a selected file:
The folder options and their operations are the
same as those in the Pictures menu.
Memory status
This menu displays the full memory capacity in the
phone, the amount used and the percentage between
the full memory and used memory in both the phone
memory and memory card.
Options Descriptions
Play Play the selected audio file.
Send The available options are: Send via
bluetooth and Send via MMS.
Advanced Copy: Copy the selected file to
another folder
Cut: Similar to copy, but the original
file will be deleted
Rename: Modify the name of the
selected file
Details: Display detailed information
of the selected audio file, such as last
modified date, file size, etc.
Use The selected audio file can be: Set as
ringtone or Set as contact ID.
Delete Delete the selected audio file.
Change View You can select to view the audio file in
List view or Grid view.
Sort Sort the audio files and folders by
name or date.
Selecting one by one: select the audio
files one by one and then Cut, Copy or
Delete them.
Selecting all: select all the audio files
and then Cut, Copy or Delete them.
Philips_XRazr.book Page 49 Friday, March 23, 2007 6:46 PM