
4.2.9 Serial Configuration
Serial Port Selection – select a serial port to configure. NetCam2 has two
serial ports. Serial #1 is a RS232C interface port, and Serial #2 is a RS485
(Half-Duplex) interface port. Select the RS232C interface port for the
Philips (M) PTZ and AutoDome attached devices.
Select Attached Device: selects a communication protocol that an attached
external device uses. Any pan/tilt that satisfies the listed protocols may be
used. The other choices are:
None – disables the serial port function.
Audio device – reserved for future use.
Modem – for connecting an external PSTN model.
Manual – to allow manual entry of PTZ commands (contact your
supplier for assistance).
Selection for Philips PTZ:
Baud: 9600, Parity: None, Stopbit: 1, Databit: 8
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